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Furniture edgebands

Perfectly matched to the boards you use

Furniture edgebands

Perfectly matched to the boards you use

Furniture edgebands

Perfectly matched to the boards you use

Perfectly matched edgebands

Seemingly insignificant, narrow surfaces are often the very element of furniture that we notice at first sight. It is well-worth to take the edging as a hallmark.

An edgeband that perfectly matches the board makes a finish that is refined in every detail. It allows the furniture to look stunning from each perspective.

An perfectly matched edgeband is a dedicated edgeband: designed specifically for the given furniture board. This is our approach to creation of our edgebands: each of them is a result of an individual designing process.

How to recognise a dedicated edgeband? Not only does it merge almost seamlessly with the furniture board, but it also corresponds to it by its name and marking, which allows finding the right product in an instant.

Products have principles

We develop our edgebands based on three essential product principles. This ensures a perfect edgeband-to-board match and also greatly facilitates choosing the right product.

Edgeband decor
Board decor

Edgeband structure
Board structure

Edgeband name
Board name

Main technical facts

Product made from pure ABS raw material

Edgebands hold the NIH Approval

Thickness 0.4 – 3.0 mm

Width 12 – 410 mm

Resistance to UV radiation

ABS: Technology for Modern Furniture Industry

Over the past years, ABS furniture edgebands have become the market standard, even though edgebands made of the previous-generation plastic PVC are still available on the market.

Why is it worth choosing ABS?

The most important argument is the environment. Contrary to PCV, ABS does not contain any heavy metals, chlorine or other toxic chemical compounds. It may therefore be fully recycled. Safety is important as well. ABS is a flame-retardant material; components made of it self-extinguish when taken out of fire.

Due to these properties ABS edgebands are of universal application. Contrary to PVC, they may be used with no restrictions in public facilities.

Increased resistance to UV radiation is yet another advantage of ABS edgebands – they are not prone to discolouration when exposed to sunlight, which is particularly important in case of long-term use.

ABS is also a technology that is edgebander-friendly. It extends the service life of the cutters and machine units, which results in tangible savings for carpenters and carpenter service centres.

Do you want to find out more about ABS edgeband processing? Click and watch our tutorial.

Watch our tutorial
Do produkcji obrzeży meblowych i blatowych używamy najlepszego tworzywa ABS

Standard sizes and packaging

ABS edgebands are manufactured in the jumbo roll technology, in three basic thicknesses: 0.5, 0.8 and 2 mm. Each stock collection decor is available in 22 mm and 43 mm width, ready for a purchase from just a single roll. Our stock collection is available in the following sizes:

Edgeband size (mm)Roll length (lm)


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Przejście do zakładki pliki do pobrania


Monochromatic, coloured in mass edgebands protected with UV top coat

Zdjęcie dekorów

Woodgrain decors

Authentic wood patterns with abundant details inspired by Nature

Zdjęcie materiałów

Material reproductions

Realistic reproductions of concrete, stones and metal

Our brands

The Schilsner brand was created in 2005 and is dedicated to SWISS KRONO furniture boards.

We offer high-quality furniture edgebands in a full colour range matching SWISS KRONO design portfolio. Our collection includes about 180 decors.

Our products are available at all authorised SWISS KRONO distributors.

Spander brand was created in 2016 and is dedicated for melamine boards offered by Kronospan.

Spander collection includes edgebands matching all decors from the Global and Home Polska collections.

In 2022 we launched the first edgebands for acrylic boards.

Since 2018, we have been a qualified supplier of furniture edgebands for the Strefa Płyt network.

In 2023 we were granted the status of Kronospan’s global Partner.

Laideker edgeband collection for WOODECO laminated boards was created in 2011.

Within it, we offer edgebands for over 100 board decors, among others, for the latest Mood Stories collection.

We cooperate with all members of the WOODECO Partners network.

Ekanten is a brand of furniture edgebands designed for Egger board collection. Launched in 2020, Ekanten offers matching edgebands for almost 100 Egger’s most popular board decors. It is the newest brand in Schilsner portfolio which we regularly extend with further designs.

Find the decor you are looking for

You can also view our collection at Decor Gallery.
Decors Gallery

Find out more about edgeband application